Queen's College wins Scholastic Team Championship 2017
School Rankings
1. Queen's College
2. Urban Knights (BGT chess)
3. Titans (Tambearly)
4. Chessmasters (BGT chess)
5. Anatol Rogers A
6. Anatol Rogers B
7. University of the Bahamas
8. Bishops of Order (BGT chess)
Board 1
(All tied for First with 4 points)
1. Tyrem Gardiner (Titans)
2. Aaron Ramtulla (QC)
3. Trinity Pinder (BGT)
Board 2
1. Ivoine Strachan (BGT)
2. Kelsie Thomas (QC)
3. Steven Dean
Board 3
1. Timothy Williams
2. Nicholas Ashwood (Titans)
3. Davonye Edmond (BGT)
Board 4
1. Suraj Nair (QC)
2. Mikhailn Morley
3. Nelson Charles (BGT)
1. Evan Fox (QC)
1. Queen's College
2. Urban Knights (BGT chess)
3. Titans (Tambearly)
4. Chessmasters (BGT chess)
5. Anatol Rogers A
6. Anatol Rogers B
7. University of the Bahamas
8. Bishops of Order (BGT chess)
Board 1
(All tied for First with 4 points)
1. Tyrem Gardiner (Titans)
2. Aaron Ramtulla (QC)
3. Trinity Pinder (BGT)
Board 2
1. Ivoine Strachan (BGT)
2. Kelsie Thomas (QC)
3. Steven Dean
Board 3
1. Timothy Williams
2. Nicholas Ashwood (Titans)
3. Davonye Edmond (BGT)
Board 4
1. Suraj Nair (QC)
2. Mikhailn Morley
3. Nelson Charles (BGT)
1. Evan Fox (QC)